Communal Censor Boards

Thursday, February 21, 2013

It has been quite a while since i bared my teeth and took a bite at the society. Not that am an anarchist but the sheer magnitude of stupidity encountered on a daily basis is quite appalling. My latest peeve seems to be religion. Although I may come across as a pious or religious nut, the truth is far from that. Don’t get me wrong, I am not an atheist either. I do not condemn religion. In a lot of cases it has helped people. A organized structure of likeminded people who subscribe to a common allusion, bounded by the laws and rules, which sometimes do make sense, propagating a sense of belonging. It keeps a lot of us in check ,who otherwise, wouldn’t even pass for a human being.  I am spiritual. But my rant is not about that. It’s the use of religion to control others. Or more specifically, religious censorship which has made global secularism, a farce. Ban movies, rock bands, music and comics.BAN ALL!!! cos We are too bloody sensitive to anyone critical of us. WOW! Yu guys are dumb & immature! And way to go with the protests. Ask a guy in the crowd and he wouldn’t know why he is protesting. He wouldn’t know what offended him to rise in protest. If anything the latest religious protests are but a ploy to get political mileage. Now what i am talking about is not specific to Viswaroopam. Let’s talk about the incident of banning a Muslim women rock band from performing in the Kashmir valley. Some religious nut issued a Fatwa against them saying their music is NON ISLAMIC. Since when does music adhere to religion and race? The last i checked music was universal and for everyone. Be as that may, what about Jal, Arsh, Junoon or Strings. Why was the Fatwas so specific to a girl band in the Kashmir valley?? Oh but these sentiments are not specific to Islam. There is a fanatic of this sort in all religion. Masking it behind the likes of Morality and jingoism the atrocities of the saffron terrorists and the modern crusaders is quite pathetic, disrupting modern thought and intellectual development. Sexism under the veil of religion. Fanaticism under the veil of morality, carried by those whose looks reek of crime and ignorance. Medievalistic thought has been hammered into the minds of them by the previous generation right from childhood and like sheep they follow. Never questioning, ever obedient. Wi is pornography bad? How come partying is immoral?  Wi is Rock, the music of the devil? One of these hardliner clergymen even went as far as calling it noise and not music. My dear man, Doesn’t beauty lie in the eye's of the beholder?  The last i checked, Rock and rock musicians have more often than not stood for peace and non violence.   However the solace in these pathetic course of events unfolding in our country is that it is done by, but a fringe minority , set out to create a unreasonable rift in our society. But the problem to this is no man stands up to them. The society , and its apathetic nature as a whole has let democracy and secularism down.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. "- Edmund Burke 

Intellectual thought and open mindedness has become a rare commodity in our environment which is not conducive to creativity. At this rate, it would be no surprise if India becomes a failed state. Regrettable that such a thing has to come out of me.