Have you ever felt close or in love with a certain degree of possesiveness about any inanimate objects,to the extent that it actually hurts you to see someone else use's it??
Imagine a world in which people seem hostile while inanimate objects appear friendly – even affectionate. Imagine dreading the touch of another human but longing for a passionate encounter with a large public structure.If it sounds very weird to you,which i doubt it will but i know a lot of people like that. ASHWIN is head over heels with his car to an extent that he says its like his wife.I feel like this over a lot of things,but now the object in question is my computer.Trust me when i say that i feel a lot of hate, when someone else is using my computer. I spend so much time with the bloody thing that i feel a certain level of emotional attachment to it. Whenever someone else is using my Comp i am usually by their side to check every lil thing they do lest they do the something stupid to bring hell upon themselves,cos thts where they are going to be if the computer stop's working.
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