Monday, September 2, 2013

In my attempt to stop being a "whiny bitch" and start living my life, I had created a bucket list a while back. Due to the unreliability of HDD (i keep losing data), i have decided to upload this list on my blog here. Its a relatively dynamic list with activities added and removed quite often. But i decided to sit down and make a standard  list for now, and start ticking them off. following my adventure on my blog.... ;)


1.  Climb a mountain.
2.  Be an Adventure diver.
3.  Learn to surf
4.  Shoot Fully Automatic
5.  Travel unreserved in general compartment in Indian Railways
6.  Hitch hike.
7.  Vegas Baby!!!
8.  Taj Mahal by Moonlight.
9.  Win a Food challenge ( Man vs Food)
10. Dinner Date - Champagne and Caviar, smoked salmon, foie gras, the works, under the stars, on a beach
11. Six Packs?
12. Make atleast one BASE Jumps.
13. Road Trip
14. Long Dist. Biking
15. Eat a weird meat.
16. Rebuild an engine
17. Restore an vehicle (Car/Bike)
18. Start a business
19. Make an Million
20. get Inked
21. Create an website
22. Learn to cook, cook a meal.
23. Finish a Half marathon.
24. Run a 10K run in under an hour.
25. learn to fight proficiently.
26. Learn Archery
27. Hunt/Fish
28. Bottoms up a bottle of vodka
29. Drive on an Autobahn
30. learn to parachute
31. Sandboard off a sand dune
32. Sign up to be an Organ donor
33. Own a gun
34. Sweep a girl of her feet
35. Travel Alone,Visit a new place
36. Learn to fly a microlight
37. Learn a New language
38. Take a impromptu vacation
39. View the Northern Lights.
40. Die

Wanderings of a forsaken soul

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Under Grey Skies,
       Amongst Brooding Smiles,
I walk this lonely path of mine..........

A Dark route of muffled screams,
           Littered by tombs of buried dreams,
A distant grave,empty, saved
          For my coming, my rightful place.

On hallowed ground, searching a place,
A Wandering mind,
           Moving a Morbid pace.
Forlorn thoughts and forsaken friends,
An abode for forsaken men!!

Senseless Songwriting

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

What is the obsession of songwriters with the word Bailamo... and its many variation. Do they, when faced with a writer's block just insert the word as a spacer. Repeated use of it in the tamil songs has aroused my curiosity a simple google search satiated.

Bailamos apparently meaning "We dance" has infiltrated the tamil music industry quite a while back. I wonder if anyone who uses this word actually knows the meaning of it. Or is it one more of those nonsensical words making its rounds in the tamil Song writing.

Whatever it is, for a language as old as tamil and an equally rich vocabulary, the making up and use of such words shows the death of creativity in major scenarios.

I think we can bid adieu to sensible lyrics with no more Kannadasan, and the likes of Vaali slowly depreciating. What a sad sad situation.

Being Racist!! :D

Sunday, June 23, 2013

The level of offence people take towards stereotyping is

rather high. Let me get to it. Of late the level of tweets

and posts and the " Oh god... You are stereotyping me. My ass hurts" attitude is getting rather, pathetic. And to top it all, the hypocrisy of these posts is ....... Funny!

My dear stupid people, as politically incorrect stereotyping is, it exists for a reason. The majority of a stereotyped demographic do fall under the same. Of Course, it would be asinine to deny the fact that everyone subscribes to the typical. Being Human, there are always exceptions to the lot.

Case Study : Viswaroopam. Truthfully, all that hullabaloo over nothing. The movie was about Al-qeada and terrorism, and was out of Afghanistan. Do tell why a faction out of Tamil Nadu are getting

all self righteous over this shit. Thank you ****heads for bringing a man of his stature down. Long Live Freedom of speech.

Ah now, the latest... the north indian movies are stereotyping tamils as " Pattai wearing" , idli eating lot, so its justifiable to be outraged. From what i know, over the years, in tamil cinemas, malayalis were " Tea Kadai Nairs" and well endowed " chechi's" in nothing but a blouse and lungi, and the paan eating Pawn shop owner " Seths" depicted the Marwari populace. I don't remember anyone being so offended over the subtle racism and stereotyping of these people.

The fallacy of the people who post on social media decrying this, while quietly enjoying their own form of racism... Is well, hypocritical. And to top it, reading such posts from people I have known to be quite openly racist make me laugh.

We Tamilians do wear a pattai and do speak in an accented English. We do love our Idli - Sambhar combination. Our Tam-Brahms do drink filter coffee and attend Sabhas. Now if anyone choose to make a parody of it, well... Live with it. Its all meant in fun. Start to mature socially.

P.s : This post is about the current denouncement of the SRK - Deepika movie " Chennai Express" by the Tamil populace.

The Hyopcrisy of Indians.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Warning : HATE POST

The all those who cry 'HAIL INDIAN TRADITIONS....' for the case of women. - Die you Illiterate Fuckers!! ****** Swear words
Okay... Me peeve is, today on FB i saw a super hot pic of Shruthi Hassan and damn was she hot. However when i started reading the comments I felt kind of annoyed.
There was a comment which said
#Quote " It,s Nt Good....I don't like this... I wanna See u in a Simple Indian Saree....hail Indian Traditions "
......... And i kid yu not, i got a similar attitude from this Dumb ass sitting next to me. Who asked you , your opinions you morons. The hypocrisy in this country is just plainly annoying. People who are such, should not be allowed to breed!Oh.... for all my rants, this is a country which says it’s okay for a girl to be raped if she dressed provocatively! Fine, let’s just get down to logic. Dear illiterate morons, who hail to Indian traditions for even the slightest deviation... please regard the following arguments.
I had no idea archaic Vedic people had any form of tailoring ... And I believe it was quite the norm in India to dress provocatively, by modern standards, which would have been a matter of choice. Any Indian temple will have murals of women in different levels of undress. I mean, even the female gods adhere to this fashion choice. :)
And secondly, people who make a make a big deal out a pre marital sex. I have two words - Kama Sutra. The book discusses premarital sex and techniques in detail. Now this was written hundreds of years ago. How did all of this mutate into the current understanding of "Indian Traditions". Now I am not saying this means we walk around naked or start humping like bunny rabbits, but those who decide to do so can be subjugated to less prejudice. :(

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Oh of the Complexities of Love and what not. Today I believe the more rules we have the more we regress in matters of love and sex. There are endless tutorials on sex and love in magazine article after article as if love and sex were not a natural but a 21st century phenomenon and we needed coaching.  There are some that give you ‘tips’ on how to woo a woman in 10 quick steps or  the 7 signs to tell if a man really loved you. There are  guidelines on whether its ok to kiss the guy on the fourth date or not at all.

Why can it not be very simple. Where you see a girl, know her, like her and if things go well, live with her, marry her if your heart desire. Why is it such a big deal that when we realize the relationship is not working we not part? Why is it that having very base and primal feelings so taboo?

I think the more we stray from nature and how it ordained us to be, the more rules and coaching’s we will need.  As a civilization we may have advanced technologically,  but we remain emotional and psychological waifs. In a better and more mature world there will be no place for rules  in the matters of the heart.      Shakespeare summed it up beautifully in Julius Caesar, “ When love begins to sicken and decay it useth an enforced ceremony. There are no tricks in plain and simple faith’’.

Communal Censor Boards

Thursday, February 21, 2013

It has been quite a while since i bared my teeth and took a bite at the society. Not that am an anarchist but the sheer magnitude of stupidity encountered on a daily basis is quite appalling. My latest peeve seems to be religion. Although I may come across as a pious or religious nut, the truth is far from that. Don’t get me wrong, I am not an atheist either. I do not condemn religion. In a lot of cases it has helped people. A organized structure of likeminded people who subscribe to a common allusion, bounded by the laws and rules, which sometimes do make sense, propagating a sense of belonging. It keeps a lot of us in check ,who otherwise, wouldn’t even pass for a human being.  I am spiritual. But my rant is not about that. It’s the use of religion to control others. Or more specifically, religious censorship which has made global secularism, a farce. Ban movies, rock bands, music and comics.BAN ALL!!! cos We are too bloody sensitive to anyone critical of us. WOW! Yu guys are dumb & immature! And way to go with the protests. Ask a guy in the crowd and he wouldn’t know why he is protesting. He wouldn’t know what offended him to rise in protest. If anything the latest religious protests are but a ploy to get political mileage. Now what i am talking about is not specific to Viswaroopam. Let’s talk about the incident of banning a Muslim women rock band from performing in the Kashmir valley. Some religious nut issued a Fatwa against them saying their music is NON ISLAMIC. Since when does music adhere to religion and race? The last i checked music was universal and for everyone. Be as that may, what about Jal, Arsh, Junoon or Strings. Why was the Fatwas so specific to a girl band in the Kashmir valley?? Oh but these sentiments are not specific to Islam. There is a fanatic of this sort in all religion. Masking it behind the likes of Morality and jingoism the atrocities of the saffron terrorists and the modern crusaders is quite pathetic, disrupting modern thought and intellectual development. Sexism under the veil of religion. Fanaticism under the veil of morality, carried by those whose looks reek of crime and ignorance. Medievalistic thought has been hammered into the minds of them by the previous generation right from childhood and like sheep they follow. Never questioning, ever obedient. Wi is pornography bad? How come partying is immoral?  Wi is Rock, the music of the devil? One of these hardliner clergymen even went as far as calling it noise and not music. My dear man, Doesn’t beauty lie in the eye's of the beholder?  The last i checked, Rock and rock musicians have more often than not stood for peace and non violence.   However the solace in these pathetic course of events unfolding in our country is that it is done by, but a fringe minority , set out to create a unreasonable rift in our society. But the problem to this is no man stands up to them. The society , and its apathetic nature as a whole has let democracy and secularism down.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. "- Edmund Burke 

Intellectual thought and open mindedness has become a rare commodity in our environment which is not conducive to creativity. At this rate, it would be no surprise if India becomes a failed state. Regrettable that such a thing has to come out of me.

The fallacy of religion....

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I am not an atheist. I believe in a higher power, maybe! I am still unsure of that. What i am sure about is the unnecessity of religion. What i assume started out as code of conduct, or rather recommended guidelines for a safer and healthier living, which through the years, been corrupted into a exploitative and nefarious business at best, or a fanatical,violent narcissistic cult at worst.

The selective use of religious ideas, under the rubric of ‘spirituality’, has become key to privatisation and commodification of religion. The sprouting of , god knows how many, spiritual and theistic organisation over the last decade, some under the guise of yoga centres and holistic living, Selling Spirituality is a short, sharp and more appealing and modern package, making it into more of a money making system rather than be analogous to the core concept of any religion. The link between money and religion is a grey area, fraught with conspiracy and scandal. Some of the wealthiest organisations on the planet are religions or religious movements - some ancient, some modern - yet the followers of religion and the countries in which they are practised are often the poorest.

However, the other face of religion dulls the above discussed. the more radical and fanatical face of it, which arises from the narcissism and the egotism of the leaders brainwashing and hypnotising the weak into violent and sociopathic beings. Right from the crusades and the holocaust to the current problem of islamic terrorism religion has been a major factor in propagating violence.

Mostly, all these problems stems from the inability to understand and also the misinterpretation of the rites and rituals. Sometimes, not always , the rituals are based on some fact explained in science, The reason which would have been applicable at that instance of time, thousands of years back. But the reason which has been lost on us, might not make much sense this time and age, and yet we follow it. The fallacy of all this , we refuse to see because its easier.