Senseless Songwriting

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

What is the obsession of songwriters with the word Bailamo... and its many variation. Do they, when faced with a writer's block just insert the word as a spacer. Repeated use of it in the tamil songs has aroused my curiosity a simple google search satiated.

Bailamos apparently meaning "We dance" has infiltrated the tamil music industry quite a while back. I wonder if anyone who uses this word actually knows the meaning of it. Or is it one more of those nonsensical words making its rounds in the tamil Song writing.

Whatever it is, for a language as old as tamil and an equally rich vocabulary, the making up and use of such words shows the death of creativity in major scenarios.

I think we can bid adieu to sensible lyrics with no more Kannadasan, and the likes of Vaali slowly depreciating. What a sad sad situation.