An Hypocrisy called Feminism

Monday, March 10, 2014

I would like to start with the disclaimer. I am not a sexist nor a feminist. Though i skew a little towards the former i would like to point out that the following opinions, how much ever prejudiced are but purely from a neutral stand point. In a world that highly advocates woman equality and their rights, is it but fair to also back the preferential treatment and special rights for them. I am all for women's rights, don't get me wrong. I believe whoever is the most qualified for any given task, should get it. Whether it is man, woman, black, white, native, asian, african, green, blue, whatever the case may be. I believe that everyone should be treated equally.

However, in case of women rights, the proponents of feminism, whilst fighting for equality, are asking also for reservation and special rights preferential treatment.It is but Orwellian to demand that men and women are equals AND women deserve special treatment, at the same time. What a catch 22 we men are in, such situations.

There is no problem when a woman expects chivalry from the man she is with. I am all for it. If a woman prefers equal rights also, so be it. But both are mutually exclusive,  and you cant have both. Situational attitude change toggling between the above two is but hypocrisy from the 'fairer sex'. This supposedly ' feminist views' i am subjected to, coupled with the absence of  strong counter points, i would opinionate that feminism is rather a reverse sexism. Its but idiocy that one should look for common sense from a hysterical dogma that is feminism.