Friday, November 9, 2012

Why do we fail ourselves in life, as a person, in dignity,morality,principle and sometimes as a Human being. Justification of what ought to abhorred and apathy of everything else only makes us Jaded..... continually having to adjust to each new wave of moral darkness, taking a toll.

It is difficult, when our eyes continually have to adjust to each new wave of moral darkness, to be asked to focus on the very heart of darkness. There is at least some form and feature still visible on the current moral landscape, and our eyes are naturally drawn to distinguish things by what light remains We of course live in a world where evolution is questioned, the moon landing is a controversy while reality shows are make big buck/

The idea of morality may differ from one person to another but at the end of the day they all have the same underlying framework....based on Honor dignity and righteousness||Because honor was such a central aspect of a man’s masculine identity, men would go to great lengths to win honor and prevent its loss.

No more is a mans reputation based on his integrity or talent but on his bank balance and the money he throws around and other superficiality/.....On what he wears rather than on what he is. On what he can afford to buy than on what he can give back!  Faith in humanity effectively is lost. This is the age of decadence marching towards its own end. A march towards apocalypse.