Sunday, December 27, 2009

Most of us think of bank robbery and bank robbers in connection with the frontier days of the American West. But one of the earliest—if not the earliest—bank robberies was committed in 1831 by one Edward Smith to the tune of more than $200,000. And he did the deed on Wall Street, in New York City.Regardless, it took those stylish boys from Missouri, the James and Younger Gang, to turn bank robbery into a regular source of income. Jesse, Frank and Cole learned their hit-and-run tactics from their guerilla service with Capt. William Clark Quantrill and Bloody Bill Anderson during the War of Northern Aggression, as Southerners were inclined to refer to the Civil War. The same tactics they used on Union soldiers worked quite nicely after the war, when Jesse and the boys decided that some of the banks needed to be relieved of their assets.

Today, many historians suggest that the ways of the American frontier were over and done with by the year 1900. They may suggest that, but they never convinced Butch Cassidy and the Wild Bunch, Henry Starr, the Newton Gang and many other outlaw groups who continued robbing.

The man who made bank robbery an art form was John Herbert Dillinger from Indianapolis. His mother passed away in 1907, and John grew up with a chronic resentment for authority and a distinct lack of interest in working for an honest living.During a stint in the Indiana State Prison, Dillinger associated with several career criminals. Then, as now, prisons tend to be the finishing schools for those inclined to live a criminal life, and Dillinger was no exception.

Beginning in 1933, Dillinger and his newfound associates undertook a series of bank robberies in the Midwest. From 1933 to 1934, Dillinger and his gang robbed approximately a dozen banks, taking away loot totaling about $300,000. That’s a lot of money today, so one can imagine how much it was in those early Depression days.

Dillinger put numerous finishing touches on bank robberies. He and his gang meticulously cased the banks before pulling a heist, paying special attention to the number of entrances and the number of guards employed. In addition, they drove every possible escape route that could be used to make their getaway.Just prior to the robbery, they would steal a getaway car and then ditch it as soon as possible, making the rest of their escape in legally purchased vehicles.

Finally, John Dillinger seemed to realize that the gang should avoid unnecessary shooting. Robbing a bank was one thing, but killing innocent people would really bring the heat down on them. It was to be avoided if at all possible. Legend has it that this caused friction between Dillinger and Baby Face Nelson, because Nelson really seemed to enjoy shooting people. John Dillinger would rather awe the crowd by vaulting over a bank counter and playing the Robin Hood character to the hilt.

Velonica~ :)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Pretending to be happy is but a sad distraction
I rush to give you my silent warning a gentle squeeze of your hand
As I glance at the path i’ve walked, i’ve endured, companionless
My face is overwhelmed with a familar aroma and the duest keeps piling up
I collapse outside of town, land softly
My legs are weary of their endless journey
And fleeting memories run through my head
I see the same profile, hear the same words over and over
Like the girl who asked me “isn’t life so sad when all you do is live?”
You’re still careless, young and helpless…
Disapperaing into a hollow void
Now haveing witnessed sadness you should never have seen
Crying tears that should have remained dry
We may not be tough enough to live on truth alone,but you know, we dont need to be


Friday, December 11, 2009

Do yu wanna know wat Guy Ritchie is?
He is an effing Genius.I jus caught most of his work,well atleast those Brit gangster flicks and i have only one word for it~BRILLIANT.And his personal life's isnt a bore now is it.Well,He was married to MAdonna for Christ's sake.That must mean something.

Lock Stock.... being his debut was simply grippin while rocknrolla was the bloody deal.Can't wait for
"THE REAL ROCK'n'ROLLA" to come out. :D


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Have you ever felt close or in love with a certain degree of possesiveness about any inanimate objects,to the extent that it actually hurts you to see someone else use's it??

Imagine a world in which people seem hostile while inanimate objects appear friendly – even affectionate. Imagine dreading the touch of another human but longing for a passionate encounter with a large public structure.If it sounds very weird to you,which i doubt it will but i know a lot of people like that. ASHWIN is head over heels with his car to an extent that he says its like his wife.I feel like this over a lot of things,but now the object in question is my computer.Trust me when i say that i feel a lot of hate, when someone else is using my computer. I spend so much time with the bloody thing that i feel a certain level of emotional attachment to it. Whenever someone else is using my Comp i am usually by their side to check every lil thing they do lest they do the something stupid to bring hell upon themselves,cos thts where they are going to be if the computer stop's working.