Thursday, March 7, 2013

Oh of the Complexities of Love and what not. Today I believe the more rules we have the more we regress in matters of love and sex. There are endless tutorials on sex and love in magazine article after article as if love and sex were not a natural but a 21st century phenomenon and we needed coaching.  There are some that give you ‘tips’ on how to woo a woman in 10 quick steps or  the 7 signs to tell if a man really loved you. There are  guidelines on whether its ok to kiss the guy on the fourth date or not at all.

Why can it not be very simple. Where you see a girl, know her, like her and if things go well, live with her, marry her if your heart desire. Why is it such a big deal that when we realize the relationship is not working we not part? Why is it that having very base and primal feelings so taboo?

I think the more we stray from nature and how it ordained us to be, the more rules and coaching’s we will need.  As a civilization we may have advanced technologically,  but we remain emotional and psychological waifs. In a better and more mature world there will be no place for rules  in the matters of the heart.      Shakespeare summed it up beautifully in Julius Caesar, “ When love begins to sicken and decay it useth an enforced ceremony. There are no tricks in plain and simple faith’’.