Solar Eclipse 2010

Friday, January 15, 2010

Hey :)

If you have still not been alerted by the news (which is highly unlikely) on the 2010 Annular solar eclipse, here we go again.Today is the day you will witness the longest solar eclipse of this century take place. The annular solar eclipse would be visible in most parts of India but only the southern fringes of the country will see it as an Annular eclipse. For the rest of the country, it would be a partial solar eclipse. I bet all of yu are as excited as i am about the solar was really crazy today.It was all over the news.Now somehow till now i have never been in a zone of a total eclipse and i am not letting this chance pass. Ofcourse yu cant see it with the naked eye.Guess wat i did! i Made smoked glass. Check out the pics and enjoy. :)


Unknown said...

nic work jobless though lol


well thats cool bro....
good work...showing that u r a prodigy of annauniv???

oh may be prodigy of

nice work bro.

Shruthi said...

me likie :D