Monday, August 30, 2010

“The risk of love is loss, and the price of loss is grief -
But the pain of grief
Is only a shadow
When compared with the pain
Of never risking love.”
                       - Hillary Stanton

In India where something as pure as love has been perverted and misinterpretted that it has but become a profane word. It has been  imbibed into minds that it is corrupt and false right from a tender age. Not a lot have experienced true love. Lust is what prevails in the society which has shun love. The minds of people have been programmed to read love as lust and nothing more than that. And the very few who understand the purity and beauty of it are but branded as fools and rest.Love has created wonders in this country and people from all over the world come here to be awestruck by its beauty but the progeny of that very love has made this feeling so twisted and ugly that it most are afraid of it and some thin of it as a novelty and not as a feeling that jus
confuses you and turns your life upside down.


Baraka Badoura ;) said...

Very true and very interesting. Sadly I am not able to appreciate it the way you have. But the quote, I solemnly stand by that